The Adventures and Misadventures of Matt, Melissa and the Kenny triplets!

The Adventures and Misadventures of Matt, Melissa and the Kenny triplets!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

2 BOYS and a GIRL! (20 Weeks)

Well hello fellow blog readers! Its been so long!  So August so far has been my month of traveling, which has now come to an end.  My month started with a bang from my dear friend Betsy...

And then I went to New Hampshire to see Aunt Marie, Uncle Frank, Kara, Aidan, Lily, Lia and Dylan with my good ol' traveling buddy Mary Kenny.  And I actually went hiking with them...

And THEN my good friends Megan and Shira surprised me for a visit, and we had a mini baby shower together with Bianca...

And finally I was just in Omaha to see my family and lovely friend Lauren who just had the sweetest baby in July. His name is Jack.  I also went to my first official baby shower there hosted by our family's good friend Ann.

So as far as more baby specific shtuff, I'm feeling MUCH better than I was earlier in the pregnancy, just achy sometimes.  I definitely need to rest now that these munchkins are growing, and need Tums around for those random heartburn attacks, or as us Italians would say, agitta.  

At my last appointment, we had already found out that there are two boys, and the ultrasound tech squealed with excitement when she saw that the third one was a girl.  It was such a fun moment!

People have been asking me if I've had any random cravings, so I thought I'd mention that here.  I definitely have NOT been wanting anything crazy, but there was a week where I had tacos every night for dinner.  And I went crazy at Panera for awhile.  Then came my crabcake obsession, and now it looks like all I want are mashed potatoes and gravy.  So nothing crazy.  Just my usual cravings amplified I think.

Oh and I definitely got to experience what so many people said would happen.  Everyone I talk to who has been pregnant said they would just all of a sudden pop out, and that's exactly what happened to me!! I felt like I wasn't showing for the longest time, and now all of a sudden, I feel HUGE! 

Here's my 18 week pic, and then my giant 20 week pic! :)

Ok.. maybe only I can feel the difference.....