The Adventures and Misadventures of Matt, Melissa and the Kenny triplets!

The Adventures and Misadventures of Matt, Melissa and the Kenny triplets!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

22 Weeks

So I'm kind of loving my body right now!  If I didn't have this INTENSE aching on my right side (where baby C is) I would definitely LOVE being pregnant right now.  And I'm seriously all belly right now which I'm trying to appreciate while it lasts, cause let's face it, with three in there, I'm gonna get HUUUUGE!! Especially cause my belly already looks like a normal 7 month pregnancy. Whatever. I love it.  Here's some photographic evidence:

What?  Am I really pregnant??

OHHH. Yes I am!!!

So as far as cravings go, I was on a mashed potato kick for awhile, which would still make me very happy but lately I've been eating peanut M&M's like its my job.

Speaking of jobs, we're closing the shop in 6 days!! Woo Hoo!!  And Bridget and Scott will be here visiting and celebrate our last day! So exciting!  Although YOU KNOW some ice cream cravings will start RIGHT WHEN WE CLOSE. Duh.

But ALSO speaking of food, I can't even eat that much anymore.  These kids are hogging all of my interior space!  Come on guys! You really need the nutrients!  And who the heck can even go along with the food pyramid anyway?! I can barely get in 2 servings of fruits and vegetables a day let alone like SEVEN!  Who can eat all of that in just one day?! Its way too much food!  

Tuesday I went to the Y to swim for the first time in months.  It felt amazing!  And baby A is gonna be my little athlete boy, cause he was kicking up a storm!  Oh yes! They officially started kicking on Sunday!  Well to the extent that I can finally feel it.  It feels amazing. Augh!! Now if only baby C would just stop kicking the crap outta me!  I'm no joke starting to go numb in that spot.  It hurts SOOO BAAD!!  But I'll completely allow it just so long as he stays in there cooking for at LEAST 10 more weeks!! Which seems waaaaaaay too soon!!!! AAAAUUUGGHHHH!!!