The Adventures and Misadventures of Matt, Melissa and the Kenny triplets!

The Adventures and Misadventures of Matt, Melissa and the Kenny triplets!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

28 Weeks

So I've been a super blog failure the last couple of weeks!!  But we've crossed a huge milestone at 28 weeks where on average, preemies do really well in the long term if they were to be born now.  But my babies are going to cook for awhile longer, I just know it!! My goal is to get to 34 week, which will be right at the end of November/beginning of December.

But unfortunately for me, I'm already the size of a full term singleton pregnancy, which means I'm only going to get larger and Larger and LARGER!!!  And its already taking a toll on me.  I'm SO uncomfortable! Just walking around Target yesterday (and the rest of the mall, and Wal-Mart, and um... maybe waiting in line at the new Coldstone...) made my body ACHE last night. I couldn't even sleep it was so bad.  And with everything pushed upwards in my body, I have pretty bad heartburn at night.  Ick.

Oh here's a pic of my 28 week body.. or two actually...

And for some reason, these pictures actually make my belly look SMALLER than it actually is.  Anyways..

But on the super BRIGHT side, every doctor's appointment has gone well, the babies are growing well, I passed my glucose test so I don't have gestational diabetes which is GREAT, and my pregnancy as far as triplets goes is going tremendously!  I haven't been put on bedrest (thank GOD!).. well.. yet.. I feel relatively great except for being uncomfortable, and I'm finally getting REALLY excited about meeting these little guys!! Not to say that I haven't also been feeling insanely nervous also.  Oh man. I don't think I'll ever really fully GET that I'm having triplets.  Even when they are all getting married and grown up, I don't think it'll have hit me.  How crazy.

And everyone's been super supportive.  Ever since we closed the shop, Matt's become super-husband doing a lot of the cleaning and cooking and everything else.  And I had two wonderful baby showers and I've gotten some really fantastic hand me downs.  I'm just super grateful.

I'm also trying hard to prepare for these guys.  We're taking a birthing class, I'm taking a breastfeeding class, I've been seeing a chiropractor which has made an insane difference, and this Friday we're meeting with their potential pediatrician.  Woo Hoo!!  And the nursery is almost done!  The cribs are put together, the walls are painted, Sydney and I made curtains yesterday, and we have tons and tons and tons of clothes/towels/blankets!!  That stuff just needs to get more organized and washed, and it'll be good to go!

Ok, I can't think of anything else from the last couple weeks.  Its been a waddly and achy and exciting blur.


  1. You make me laugh Melissa! Good luck with the next stretch of weeks! You seem to have a great attitude!
