The Adventures and Misadventures of Matt, Melissa and the Kenny triplets!

The Adventures and Misadventures of Matt, Melissa and the Kenny triplets!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

34 Weeks!!

So I've made it to my goal!! We've been at the Kenny's in Syracuse for the month of November now and I've been doing a lot of resting.  But I've also been getting HUGE!! And VERY uncomfortable! To the point where I wake up in the night just cause my muscles in my pelvis are so sore.  Anyways, here's a couple pics from today.  And yes, its in my house in Ithaca cause I got so stir crazy that I needed a change of scenery and I was really missing my kitty.

So as far as weights go (I've been really bad at posting these) our big boy is 5 lbs 6 oz, Lulu is 4 lbs 14 oz, and our runty boy is only 3 lbs 13 oz.  I'm crossing my fingers that he can catch up in the next two weeks so he doesn't get NICU time!!!!!!! Yes, I officially deliver in TWO weeks!  So I think at my appointment three weeks ago they were all around 3 1/2 pounds, with the big guy still being the biggest, so my little guy really needs to catch up soon!

My belly this week was measuring at FIFTY TWO weeks!! Way back in the day when I was measuring at 38 weeks (which was probably at my 28th week), I still didn't have any stretch marks, so I like thinking that I wasn't supposed to actually get any. :)  But they are here now and ugly as ever!!  Oh well, I knew that coming in that it would be pretty impossible for my skin to stretch as much as it has and not get any.  AND I'm just lucky that I haven't delivered yet, and that I HAVE gotten so big, so these little troopers can grow as much as possible! What lucky babies!!!

As much as I'm SO READY to not be pregnant anymore, I'm still so nervous to meet these guys.  I just hope that I can be a good mom to them and not want to pull my hair out every second with all the frustrations of having multiples.  But I have Matt til April full time, and my parents for three weeks, and my in laws for whenever we need them!  AND maybe my aunt and some friends, and so we have so much help that its insane.  Ok. I'm leaving now. I'm not very good at this blogging thing. Hmmm.  Oh maybe because I'm in bed most of the time and can't really post very well from an iPhone.  But I DO love my new iPhone :)

1 comment:

  1. Omg! Dad says you look like the Titanic ( he's watching a show about it) I am so excited that I almost cannot stand it! We love you!!! See you soon!
