The Adventures and Misadventures of Matt, Melissa and the Kenny triplets!

The Adventures and Misadventures of Matt, Melissa and the Kenny triplets!

Friday, July 29, 2011


Ugh. So I really wanted to be one of those women who love being pregnant, but I really just hate all the negative aspects of it all.  I still feel like crap, I'm so tired, I can't even eat that much without feeling crazy full, so I feel like I'm not eating enough, my back hurts sometimes (not just regular back aches. like someone is seriously stabbing the lower left part. very intense.), the heartburn feels like demons inside of me, and I pee all the time.  But my emotions really haven't been all that off (I'm sure Matt is thanking about everything in site with that) and I'm not crazy big yet.  I hate not like being pregnant. I hate thinking, "well thank god this'll be my only time."  I hate it cause I wanted it so bad.

Well, in all honestly, it wasn't the pregnancy that I wanted so badly, but the end result.  So I'm not that horrible of a person, cause I'm still super excited to meet these little boogers.  And I love thinking about them being together as toddlers just hanging out together in diapers. So cute.  And I do love that we're having them at once, cause Matt and I have such an awesome relationship, that I'm happy that we'll have 18 wonderful years (lets cross our fingers) with them in the house, then we'll be just the two of us again.  And I wanted a semi bigger family.  I swear, I really would LOVE LOVE LOVE being pregnant if it just meant I had three awesome babies inside of me and I got to get big and fat and feel them moving around inside.  And I could eat like I love to.  Hopefully that will come soon, because my doctor wants me to gain A LOT more weight, and I really didn't think I'd be the one who was having trouble putting on the pounds.

Ok. I'm done. But if anyone wants to come over and go through baby stuff, and set up a nursery, and clean my house, and organize my office and basement, and cook me real dinners, and go grocery shopping for me, and run all my errands, AND help Matt out at the shop, please be my guest. :)  Oh and give Penny some real play time.  Or you could just pray that that second trimester "boost" will happen for me real soon here and I can just go back to doing all those things.  Hmm.. I guess I do use oxford commas... Anyways...

Oh and if you did start a Words With Friends game with me, I apologize for not playing that much.  Apparently I'm even too tired to think. :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

16 Weeks

So I just couldn't update last week because the weather was unbearable, and our computer room was disgustingly hot.  But I had my last appointment a little over a week ago on July 18th, and it went great!  The ultra sound tech determined who is baby A, B, and C and baby A is 4 oz and B and C are 3 oz and measuring great!  She thinks she could see two of their genders, but it was still early, so I'll wait til my next appointment to share when everything is certain!!

I have some pictures for you guys!!

The first three compare each baby to each other, and the last is all three.  You can just see baby A's head in the last one.

I'm super excited about August, because I get to see so much family then!  Next week I'm planning on going to New Hampshire to see my aunt and uncle and my cousin Kara and all the little cousins!!  And then August 15th is my next appointment where I'll get to see my lil tykes again!  And hopefully learn more about them!  And THEN I get to go home and see my parents and my friend Lauren and meet her darling little baby Jack!!  Let's just hope I'm up for all this traveling!  Although it'll be my last chance for a LOOOOOONG time! :)

These last couple weeks have been up and down, like it has been for awhile.  Two days ago I was battling awful back pain, yesterday was severe heartburn, and today has been a relatively good day.

I haven't really felt any movement so far, but every once in awhile I can feel a little tingling sensation, so I'm pretty sure its them.  Woo hoo!! I can't wait til I really start feeling them move!  The ultra sounds show them moving around so much, so probably pretty soon.  Although I'm sure I'll be eating my words sooner or later. :)

Why is it that when I sit down to do these I feel like I'm at my most tired?? Augh!! I know there's a lot more to say but I just can't think of it and blaahh...  At least you got to see some pics :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

14 Weeks

So this is my mini baby bump.  And yes, probably just some fat chunks as well! I broke out my maternity pants today cause my regular ones are fine except for when I sit down.  And I'ma seein' Harry Potter tonight, so I's gotsta be comfy!!! :)

This week has been strange.  Some days I feel great, but lately if I don't take my anti-nausea meds, I throw up.  And feel crappy.  But if I DO take the meds, then I can't get anything OUT... if you know what I mean.  But I decided to take them for a couple days, eat a lot, then skip a day and let loose. Sorry...

And Tuesday I got SUCH an amazing visitor!! One of my college friends lives in Sweden and I haven't seen her in EIGHT years,  and she's visiting Montreal for a couple of months (because in Sweden, the fathers get EIGHT MONTHS OFF for their newborn baby!!) with her husband and baby.  So they came down to NY for a visit, and it was sooo much fun!  Matt and I decided that we now have to see them more, that we'll go there every 8 years, and they'll come here every 8 years, so we'll see each other every four!

So that's it for now.  I can't really think very straight anymore.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

13 Weeks

So I got TWO emails today saying I should update this thing.  Well.  I'm still pregnant... I haven't started showing yet... Well I mean, yes, it looks like I've been constantly eating giant burritos, but nothing "pregnanty."  I have, however, been feeling much better this week, and Penny and I have been going on daily adventures in the last couple days.  There's this sweet swimming-hole up by Cornell, and Penny has a blast up there swimming around.  I've been eating a lot from Panera.  I actually cooked dinner one night - my mom's chicken enchilada recipe!  Matt's mom has come down twice, and we ate at the same restaurant both times, and both got the crabcakes both times.  They're just so good there. (The Boatyard)  Let's see... what else...

Oh DUH! My awesome friend Lauren had her baby!!!! He's a lil chunker named Jack and he's super adorable!!  AND I had been feeling pretty scared about this whole having three babies at once thing, but seeing all of his pictures and hearing how he's such a good baby has made me very excited to start my own family!

And also I called my doctor's office to see what they'd say about me traveling back home in August (mainly to see baby Jack), and they gave me the A-OK!  Now if only airline tickets could get cheaper...

So that also brings me to baby showers I guess.  Its looking like I'll probably have one in Omaha while I'm there, and also one in Ithaca in September if anyone is wanting desperately to come to one.  But if involves extensive traveling on your part, I'd rather you come visit when the babies are here.  And preferably not RIGHT when they're born.  I'll be too busy having severe panic attacks. I kid! I kid!

So I'm VERY excited to find out what the babies genders are, my next appointment is in two weeks, but I'll barely be 15 weeks then, so we'll probably have to wait longer.  Unless maybe they're all into giving us a peep-show, which is fine by me.  And my next appointment probably wouldn't be for another 3 or 4 weeks, so boo hoo.

I'm hoping to go back to working at the shop again soon.  It still has the worst smell in the world to me, which is, don't worry, only in my nostrils.  I'm so ready for this super smelling superpower to be over.  I can smell skunks from 1000's of miles away!  But yeah, I'm getting quite bored.  So feel free to come see me this summer also.   OR you can just get an iPhone or iPod touch and get Words With Friends (basically Scrabble) and get your ass kicked by me!  I'm really good at it.

Ok bye.