The Adventures and Misadventures of Matt, Melissa and the Kenny triplets!

The Adventures and Misadventures of Matt, Melissa and the Kenny triplets!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

13 Weeks

So I got TWO emails today saying I should update this thing.  Well.  I'm still pregnant... I haven't started showing yet... Well I mean, yes, it looks like I've been constantly eating giant burritos, but nothing "pregnanty."  I have, however, been feeling much better this week, and Penny and I have been going on daily adventures in the last couple days.  There's this sweet swimming-hole up by Cornell, and Penny has a blast up there swimming around.  I've been eating a lot from Panera.  I actually cooked dinner one night - my mom's chicken enchilada recipe!  Matt's mom has come down twice, and we ate at the same restaurant both times, and both got the crabcakes both times.  They're just so good there. (The Boatyard)  Let's see... what else...

Oh DUH! My awesome friend Lauren had her baby!!!! He's a lil chunker named Jack and he's super adorable!!  AND I had been feeling pretty scared about this whole having three babies at once thing, but seeing all of his pictures and hearing how he's such a good baby has made me very excited to start my own family!

And also I called my doctor's office to see what they'd say about me traveling back home in August (mainly to see baby Jack), and they gave me the A-OK!  Now if only airline tickets could get cheaper...

So that also brings me to baby showers I guess.  Its looking like I'll probably have one in Omaha while I'm there, and also one in Ithaca in September if anyone is wanting desperately to come to one.  But if involves extensive traveling on your part, I'd rather you come visit when the babies are here.  And preferably not RIGHT when they're born.  I'll be too busy having severe panic attacks. I kid! I kid!

So I'm VERY excited to find out what the babies genders are, my next appointment is in two weeks, but I'll barely be 15 weeks then, so we'll probably have to wait longer.  Unless maybe they're all into giving us a peep-show, which is fine by me.  And my next appointment probably wouldn't be for another 3 or 4 weeks, so boo hoo.

I'm hoping to go back to working at the shop again soon.  It still has the worst smell in the world to me, which is, don't worry, only in my nostrils.  I'm so ready for this super smelling superpower to be over.  I can smell skunks from 1000's of miles away!  But yeah, I'm getting quite bored.  So feel free to come see me this summer also.   OR you can just get an iPhone or iPod touch and get Words With Friends (basically Scrabble) and get your ass kicked by me!  I'm really good at it.

Ok bye.



  1. Glad you updated bc I was going to suggest that as well. I miss you!

  2. Obviously keep me posted on your Ithaca shower and when it is/who I can help/whatever! I should come out on a weekend sometime soon, too!!

  3. oh my goodness, you are just too funny! i love that you're keeping a blog. i'm totally gonna blog-stalk you now. ;)

  4. Yeah, keep on writing!!! And I'm so excited that you can come to Omaha for your baby shower!!!
    Love you,
    your Mom
