The Adventures and Misadventures of Matt, Melissa and the Kenny triplets!

The Adventures and Misadventures of Matt, Melissa and the Kenny triplets!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

14 Weeks

So this is my mini baby bump.  And yes, probably just some fat chunks as well! I broke out my maternity pants today cause my regular ones are fine except for when I sit down.  And I'ma seein' Harry Potter tonight, so I's gotsta be comfy!!! :)

This week has been strange.  Some days I feel great, but lately if I don't take my anti-nausea meds, I throw up.  And feel crappy.  But if I DO take the meds, then I can't get anything OUT... if you know what I mean.  But I decided to take them for a couple days, eat a lot, then skip a day and let loose. Sorry...

And Tuesday I got SUCH an amazing visitor!! One of my college friends lives in Sweden and I haven't seen her in EIGHT years,  and she's visiting Montreal for a couple of months (because in Sweden, the fathers get EIGHT MONTHS OFF for their newborn baby!!) with her husband and baby.  So they came down to NY for a visit, and it was sooo much fun!  Matt and I decided that we now have to see them more, that we'll go there every 8 years, and they'll come here every 8 years, so we'll see each other every four!

So that's it for now.  I can't really think very straight anymore.